2024 Teacher Scholarship Recipients
These Idaho teachers were the lucky recipients of scholarships to attend the 2024 Jump$tart National Educators Conference in Louisville Kentucky.
Billy Autrey
Lewiston High School | Lewiston
I would like to thank you for the amazing opportunity to attend the Jump$tart Financial Literacy Conference in Louisville, Kentucky! Every time I attend a conference like this I always find so many amazing resources and it always energizes me to come back and implement some of the ideas in my classroom. This conference was awesome and I found a bunch of resources through the different sessions and speakers. Out of everything, the most exciting thing I brought back was the desire and knowledge of how to implement a senior level, semester long, advanced financial literacy course. We introduce financial literacy at the freshmen level but I wanted to include more specifics to help outgoing seniors such as how to effectively apply for financial aid (only 36% of Idaho seniors applied last year) or what retirement plans look like and when they should begin investing in them. This amazing conference was an eye opener about the possibilities and resources that we can help provide with students to REALLY help them in the future no matter which path they choose.
Juana Andrade Batalla
Madison Jr. High | Rexburg
I had the invaluable opportunity to attend the 2024 Jump$tart National Educator Conference, “Teaching for Tomorrow, Today,” in Louisville, KY. As someone passionate about teaching personal finance, I found the conference profoundly impactful. Gathering with nearly 400 fellow personal finance educators created an incredible atmosphere filled with shared experiences, ideas, and camaraderie. The facilities, events, sessions, and workshops were exceptionally well-organized and enriching.
During the conference, I gained valuable insights from Rod Griffin, Experian’s Senior Director and Secretary of Jump$tart’s National Board of Directors, who discussed how data is used to generate revenue and the impact that AI will have on our lives. Dr. Nicholas Kardaras highlighted the unintended consequences of our technology-driven world in his thought-provoking presentation, “Where is Digital Addiction Taking Us?” Additionally, Dr. Renée Baker emphasized the importance of visualizing the future while teaching the students of today. The inspirational story of Jeff Eben, who overcame immense challenges to achieve a successful career in public education, reminded us to strive for daily victories regardless of our circumstances.
I attended sessions on taxes, banking, and federal reserve system resources. Though I focused on these three classes, the resources available to teachers from these and other organizations are exceptional, and are the most important thing we can bring to our classrooms.
In addition, the organizers arranged a visit to the Kentucky Derby Museum, an extraordinary experience I had never imagined having until attending this conference.
It was a great experience, and with your support, it was possible for me to be there.
Shelly Heath
Thank you, thank you, thank you IFLC!
Your scholarship allowed me to experience on of the finest education conferences I have ever attended.
I completed a PD opportunity in November of 2024. I attended the Jumpst@rt National Educators Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. This conference is one of the Best educators’ conferences I have ever attended. It is three full days of collaboration, interacting, and mind-boggling information shared. It was total synergy!!!
The speakers were relevant, informative, and super motivational. Topics like AI and how it affects your classroom, Is screen time affecting your students in a negative way, What is “one Win” that you experienced today, Are you giving your students current information on the topics that you are teaching…..
The vendors that were present were very helpful in finding products that were user friendly and interactive. The best thing about the information they shared was—it is free!! Many of them offered gamification, which I believe is the way education will be heading. We not only have to teach; we must entertain to keep the interest of our future students.
The evening events—WOW! You are treated like royalty. It is truly amazing the activities they plan. They are in the business of thanking Personal Finance teachers for the work they do with students. Let me tell you, they make you feel appreciated!!!
Jeri Henley
Canyon Ridge High School | Twin Falls
First, thank you so much for the stipend of allowing me to travel to such an amazing
financial literacy conference! It is valuable information each year. As you know, the financial
world is always changing and by attending this conference it allows me to see what is going on
now and in the future.
Attending the Jump$tart National Financial Literacy Conference was an invaluable
opportunity to enhance my understanding of financial literacy and gain access to a wealth of
resources. Connecting with other educators from across the nation provided diverse insights and
shared best practices.
I was particularly impressed by the FDIC Reality Simulation, which offers practical,
hands-on experiences for students. Additionally, the conference introduced innovative ways to
leverage AI in personal finance education, alongside crucial updates on credit reporting.
The resources available through FEE and the Banzai scholarships have been
instrumental in my classroom, as my students actively engage with Banzai’s interactive platform.
Everfi resources, which my students are already utilizing, also enrich our curriculum.
Moreover, I discovered Suno.ai, a fantastic tool that allows me to create music tailored
to my lessons, enriching the classroom environment and enhancing student engagement. Overall,
the conference provided me with essential tools and inspiration to better equip my students for
their financial futures.
I cannot wait to share the vast amount of resources and information with other educators
in my school, district and around the state. I usually present this information at our CTE state
conferences that are held throughout the year. Just recently, I held a few sessions for personal
finance resources at the Idaho Business Education Association conference in Sun Valley.