Join Us for a Member Meeting
All persons, corporations, partnerships or other legal entities that are interested in supporting and promotingthe IFLC’s mission of promoting Financial Literacy in Idaho are welcome!
When and Where?
Member Meetings: Member Meetings are held on the 3rd Wednesday, every other month (Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept., Nov.) from 12p – 1p. Bring your own lunch and join us in person at:
Horizon Credit Union Community Room
485 W. Overland Rd.
Meridian, Idaho 83642
**Please park in the Walmart parking lot
Or, virtually via Zoom
Information Below 👇
Board Meetings: Board Meetings are held in person on the 3rd Wednesday, alternate months (Feb., Apr., June, Aug., Oct., Dec.) from 12p-1p.
How do you become a Member of the IFLC?
Easy! You need to participate in two or more coalition events, meetings or coalition committees in the 12 months and you become a member. There are no costs or dues to join.